Monday, October 8, 2012

The article I read was written by John T. Montford, President and CEO of JTM Consulting, LLC. It is about whether or not Texans should vote to have regulated gaming in Texas, which is currently illegal. Texas has its share of illegal gambling going on and the author thinks that, if people are going to be spending their hard earned Texas money to gamble, it should be in Texas and it should be legal. Each year Texans spend about $2.5 billion in gaming facilities in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico and Texas is unable to reap any of the economic benefits. If Texas had its own legal gaming facilities, it could create thousands of jobs and bring billions of dollars in economic development. A major problem is neighboring states making political contributions into Texas, trying to influence state politics, that way Texas can continue to make money for them. But Montford's main point is that it should be up to us Texans to decide to regulate gaming or not. This article was found in the Statesman opinion blogs, title: Montford: Let Texans Answer Gambling Question

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